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My 'Ghutra is me


Right, left? Up, down? Pinched at the front, thrown over the shoulder? The first time I observed a man adjusting is headdress  has been a fascinating 10 minutes show (which can  last longer !):

First the Keffiyey كوفية‎ to hold the hair, then the Ghutra   غترةand the Agal عقال  to secure the rest. Then come the folding: Cobra, Teacher, Royal, Spider web style… ? There are so many ways (Nasfa نسفة ) in which the Ghutra can be worn. The style varying with the season, the age, the family and the degree of formality required.

Exploring their style, I ended up learning a lot on men themselves. One says the eyes are the window the soul, but first tell me how you wear  your Ghutra and I will tell you who you are…

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